Ruduo ant nosies, ir besiruošdami viržių ir apynių rinkimui, atgaiviname vasaros atostogų buvusį išėjųsį blogą smagia naujiena.

Kaip žadėjo, taip ir buvo – lietuviškas kaimo alus 2012 vasaros Beer Connoisseur numeryje pristatomas pagrindinė 7 puslapių tema – kaip geriausiai saugota ir įdomiausia Europos paslaptis. Netrukus šį straipsnį bus galima perskaityti ir Lietuvoje (kol kas su autoriumi tiksliname ar žurnalas neprieštarauja elektroninės kopijos platinimui), o nekantriausieji žemiau rasite nuorodas į straipsnio autoriaus blogo postų seriją apie jo įsimintiną kelionę praėjusį pavasarį.

For the English speakers – title tells it all, the issue is Summer edition (#11) of  2012. Below you’ll find links to French blog posts from the Lithuania trip and some more news from the feature author Martin Thibault.

Les Coureurs des Boires blog postai prancūzų kalba – bet pakenčiamai verčiamus Google Translate:

Another comment from the author of the feature, Martin T. Thibault:

You’ll be happy to know also that the Lithuanian beer scene is going to get covered in my next book too. It is not a travel book, but rather a book in which individual beer flavors are presented and their origins explained, with links to food pairing, etc.. There are Lithuanian brews used as examples here and there. Also, there is a section in which I link many of the beer world’s beer terms/styles based on their dominant flavors. Sviesus, Tamsus, Kaimiskas Alus, though not ‘beer styles’, are still explained and examples mentioned again. Basically, I found a way to integrate Lithuania before the following book which will include a more thorough section on Lithuania.

Finally, Tim Webb has asked me to write the Lithuanian section to his second edition of the World Atlas of Beer. The first edition is coming out this fall, but only says that Lithuania is ‘the great unexplored’, or something to that effect. The second edition will have better coverage, to say the least.

One Response to Beer Connoisseur: Top Secret – Lithuanian Farmhouse Brewing

  1. […] Beer Connoisseur: Top Secret – Lithuanian Farmhouse Brewing | Tikras Alus […]