The Bar Bot
Pernai man kiečiausias gadget’as buvo alų verdantis robotas Bender, bet jam kažko trūko… jis negalėjo bendrauti ir net paragaut savo išvirto alaus!
Problema išspręsta. Linzo (Austrija) Sensory Circus laboratorija sukūrė socialų robotą-latrą Bar Bot, realiame laboratorijos bare Systemic Bar ieškantį su kuo pabendraut ir kaulijantį pinigų. Kai tik surenka pakankamai pinigų bokalui, skuba prie baro jo nusipirkt.
The Bar Bot is driven by self interest. Its aim is to drink beer. It asks people for coins and spends them as soon as there is enough for a beer. The Bar Bot is not beneficial for humanity. Rather, it maximises the advantage for itself, like humanity. But to pursue its own, highly selfish objectives, it dependends on others: somebody has to give it coins, somebody has to hand it a beer. This is where it engages in communication, in social interaction with human beings.
The Bar Bot is driven by self interest, it interacts socially with humans and is predisposed to alcohol. The Bar Bot is probably the most humanoid robot ever built.
Dabar belieka Bar Bot suvest su Brewer Bender ir stebėsime naują erą!
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Beer breweing robot Bender was the coolest gadget of last year, but it lacked social skills and ability to taste his own homebrew… But now he’s got the best companion to help utilising his product and that’s The Bar Bot, a true bar-fly scrounging coins for his next pint! You can meet him in Linz (Austria) based Sensory Circus lab’s Systemic Bar.
One Response to Atsargiai, robotas bare!
- Martin. M on Lithuanian Countryside Yeast Tales
- Danius on Naminis alus
- Thomas on Apie
- Thomas on Vilkasalės alus
- Peter Rowswell on Lithuanian Countryside Yeast Tales
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Ah, Linz, European capital of culture :)